Other Research Publications
These other research publications comprise scholarly journal articles and book chapters. I have made as many as possible available here, according to copyright regulations. Please get in contact if there is something you would like to read that’s not available here - I may be able to help.
Poulton, P. & Mockler, N. (2024). Early career primary teachers' curriculum-making experiences: Enablers and constraints to knowledge-led forms of curriculum-making. The Curriculum Journal, 34(1), pp.20-37. (Open Access)
Stacey, M. & Mockler, N. (2024). Recruiting the ‘quality teacher’: Equity, faith and passion. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 45(1), pp. 1-13. (Open Access)
Mockler, N. (2023). Are we there yet? 25 years of reform (and reform, and reform, and reform) of teacher education in Australia. History of Education Review, 52 (2/3), pp. 115-131.
Thompson, G., Creagh, S., Stacey, M., Hogan, A. & Mockler, N. (2023). Researching teachers’ time use: Complexity, challenges and a possible way forward. Australian Educational Researcher, Online First, pp. 1-24. (Open Access)
Creagh, S., Thompson, G., Mockler, N., Stacey, M. & Hogan, A. (2023). Workload, work intensification and time poverty for teachers and school leaders: A systematic research synthesis. Educational Review, Online First, pp.1-20. (Open Access)
Stacey, M. & Mockler, N. (2023). Purposes of Education. In A.Wilkins (Ed.), Policy Foundations of Education. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Mockler, N., Thompson, G., & Hogan, A. (2023). ‘If you can’t beat them, join them’: Utility, markets and the absent entrepreneur. British Journal of Sociology of Education, Online First, pp.1-15. (Open Access)
Mockler, N. & Stacey, M. (2023). Teachers' work amid global education reform: ‘The greatest challenge’?. In: R.J. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Erkican (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 5. Dordrecht: SpringerNature.
Mockler, N. (2022). From benign neglect to performative accountability: Changing Policy and Practice in Continuing Professional Development for Teachers. In I.Menter (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Cham: Palgrave.
Mockler, N. & Redpath, E. (2022). Shoring up “teacher quality”: Media discourses of teacher education in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia. In I.Menter (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Cham: Palgrave.
Mockler, N. (2022). Signing off: reflections on six years as Editor-in-Chief of The Australian Educational Researcher. The Australian Educational Researcher, 49(5), pp.861–864.
Chan, S.S.W., Thomas, M.A.M., & Mockler, N. (2022). Amplifying organisational discourses to the public: Media narratives of Teach For Australia, 2008–2020. British Educational Research Journal, Early View, pp.1-17.
Mockler, N. (2022). Teacher professional learning under audit: Reconfiguring practice in an age of standards. Professional Development in Education, 48(1), pp.166-180.
Clarke, M., Mills, M., Mockler, N. & Singh, P. (2022). What is the 'public' in public education? Mapping past, present and future educational imaginaries of Europe and beyond (Editorial). European Educational Research Journal, 21(1), pp.3-12.
Hogan, A., Thompson, G. & Mockler, N. (2022). Romancing the public school: Attachment, publicness and privatisation. Comparative Education, 5(2), pp.164-186.
Hogan, A., Thompson, G., Mockler, N. & Johnson, R. (2022). Anxiety state: fears for the erosion of comprehensive schooling in Northern England and Alberta. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 52(4), pp.618-635.
Thompson, G., Mockler, N. & Hogan, A. (2022). Making work private: Autonomy, intensification and accountability. European Educational Research Journal, 21(1), pp.83-104.
Wang, B., Ginns, P. & Mockler, N. (2022). Sequencing tracing with imagination. Education Psychology Review, 34, pp.421-449.
Larsen, E. & Mockler, N. (2021, Online First). Australian teacher educators responding to policy discourses of quality. Educational Review.
Mayer, D., Goodwin, A.L. & Mockler, N. (2021). Teacher education policy: Future research, teaching in contexts. Teacher Education Policy and Research: Global Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer.
Mills, M., Mockler, N., Stacey, M. & Thompson, B. (2021). 'The village and the world': research with, for and by teachers in an age of data (Editorial). Teaching Education, 32(1), pp.1-6.
Mills, M., Mockler, N., Stacey, M. & Taylor, B. (2021). Teachers’ orientations to educational research and data in England and Australia: implications for teacher professionalism. Teaching Education, 32(1), pp.77-98.
Mockler, N. & Stacey, M. (2021). Evidence of teaching practice in an age of accountability: when what can be counted isn’t all that counts. Oxford Review of Education, 47(2), pp170-188.
Mockler, N. (2020). Ten years of print media coverage of NAPLAN: A corpus-assisted assessment. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 43(2), 117-114.
Mockler, N. (2020). Discourses of teacher quality in the Australian print media 2014-2017: A corpus-assisted analysis. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 41(6), pp.854-870.
Mockler, N. (2020). Navigating professional identity as a teacher of history, in T. Allender, R. Parkes & A. Clarke (Eds), Historical Thinking for History Teachers. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Mockler, N., Hogan, A., Lingard, B., Rahimi, M. & Thompson, G. (2020). Explaining publicness: A typology for understanding the provision of schooling in contemporary times, in A.Hogan and G. Thompson (Eds), Privatisation and Commercialisation in Public Education: How the Public Nature of Schooling is Changing. Abingdon: Routledge.
Mockler, N. (2019). Education and Media Discourses. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
Mockler, N. (2019). Televising the revolution? #RevolutionSchool and representations of education across traditional and social media, in S. Riddle, A. Baroutsis and P. Thomson (Eds), Education Research and the Media: Challenges and Possibilities. Abingdon: Routledge.
Mockler, N. (2019). ‘Shifting the frame’: Representations of early career teachers in the Australian print media, in A.Sullivan, B.Johnson & M.Simons (Eds), Attracting and Keeping the Best Teachers: Problems and Possibilities. Dordrecht: Springer.
Mockler, N. (2019). Da vigilância à formação? Uma abordagem criativa ao “Desempenho e Desenvolvimento” dos professores nas escolas australianas, in M.A. Flores (Ed.) O trabalho e a vida dos professores: Um olhar nacional e internacional. Lisboa: Chiado Books.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2019). Student voice work as an educative practice, in I.R.Berson, M.J.Berson & C.Gray (Eds), Participatory Methodologies to Elevate Children’s Voice and Agency. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Mockler, N. (2018). Early career teachers in Australia: A critical policy historiography. Journal of Education Policy, 33(2), pp.262-278.
Mockler, N. (2018). Curriculum integration in the twenty-first century: Some reflections in the light of the Australian Curriculum. Curriculum Perspectives, 38(2), pp. 129-136. Also published as: Mockler, N. (2018). Curriculum Integration in the 21st Century: In the Light of the Australian Curriculum, in A.Reid and D.Price (Eds), The Australian Curriculum: Promises, Problems and Possibilities. Canberra: ACSA.
Beveridge, L., Mockler, N., Gore, J. (2018). An Australian View of the Academic Partner Role in Schools. Educational Action Research, 26(1), pp.25-41.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2018). Practitioner research in the company of others: Resistance in the face of normalising practice, in C.Edwards-Groves, P.Grootenboer and J. Wilkinson, Eds, Education in an Era of Schooling. Dordrecht: Springer.
Thomas, M.A.M. & Mockler, N. (2018). Alternative routes to teacher professional identity: Exploring the conflated sub-identities of Teach For America corps members. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26(6), 75-86.
Mockler, N. (2017). Classroom ready teachers? Some reflections on teacher education in Australia in a time of compliance. Teacher Education and Practice, 30(2), pp. 335-339.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler N. (2017). Teacher education in Australia: Shifting knowledge interests. In J.Furlong & G.Whitty (Eds), Knowledge and the Study of Education: An International Exploration. Oxford: Symposium Books.
Mockler, N. & Groundwater-Smith, S. (2017). Teacher research: A knowledge-producing profession? in P.J.Grootenboer, C.Edwards-Groves, S.Choy (Eds), Practice Theory Perspectives on Pedagogy and Education - Praxis, Diversity and Contestation. Singapore: Springer.
Groundwater-Smith, S., Mitchell, J. & Mockler, N. (2016). Praxis and the language of improvement. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 27(1), pp.80-90.
Thompson, G. & Mockler, N. (2016). Principals of audit: Testing, data and 'implicated advocacy'. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 48(1), pp.1-18.
Mockler, N. (2015). NAPLAN and the ‘problem frame’: Exploring representations of NAPLAN in the print media, 2010-2013, in B.Lingard, S.Sellar & G.Thompson (Eds), National Testing in Schools: An Australian Assessment. Abingdon: Routledge.
Mockler, N. (2015). The middle years as a site for reform., in Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (Eds), Big Fish, Little Fish: Teaching and Learning in the Middle Years. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mockler, N. (2015). From surveillance to formation? A generative approach to 'performance and development' in Australian schools. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(9).
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2015). From data source to co-researchers: Tracing the shift from student voice to student-teacher partnerships in Educational Action Research. Educational Action Research, 24(2), pp.159-176.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2015). Practice architectures in the middle years of schooling: Understanding difference and diversity, in A. MacFarlane and S.MacFarlane, Eds, Sociocultural Realities: Exploring New Horizons. Canterbury: University of Canterbury Press.
Holmes, K. & Mockler, N. (2015). Ongoing professional learning, in M.Henderson & G.Romeo (Eds), Teaching and Digital Technologies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mockler, N. & Casey, A. (2015). (In)sights from 40 years of practitioner action research in education: Perspectives from the US, UK and Australia. in L. Newman & C. Woodrow (Eds), Practitioner Research in Early Childhood: International Issues and Perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Mockler, N. & Groundwater-Smith, S. (2015). Seeking for the unwelcome truths: Beyond celebration in inquiry-based teacher professional learning. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 21(5), pp.603-614.
Mockler, N. (2014). Simple solutions to complex problems: Moral panic and the shift from 'equity' to 'quality' in education. Review of Education, 2(2), pp.115-114.
Mockler, N. (2014). : When 'research ethics'bBecome 'everyday ethics': The intersection of research and practice in practitioner research. Educational Action Research, 22(2), pp.146-158.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2014). Why global policies fail disengaged young people at the local level, in H. Proctor, P. Brownlee & P. Freebody (Eds), Controversies in Education: Orthodoxy and Heresy in Educational Policy and Practice. Dordrecht: Springer.
Mockler, N. (2013). Reporting the 'education revolution': Myschool.edu.au in the print media. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 34 (1), pp.1-16.
Mockler, N. (2013). Teacher professional learning in a neoliberal age: Audit, professionalism and identity. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 38: Iss. 10, Article 3.
Mockler, N. (2013). The slippery slope to efficiency: An Australian perspective on school/university partnerships for teacher professional learning. Cambridge Journal of Education, 43(3), pp.273-289.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2012). ‘Sustaining professional learning networks’, in C.Day (Ed.), International Handbook of Teacher and School Development. London: Routledge.
Sachs, J. & Mockler, N. (2012). Performance cultures of teaching: threat or opportunity?, in C.Day (Ed.), International Handbook of Teacher and School Development. London: Routledge.
Mockler, N. (2011). Understanding teacher identity as a practical and political tool. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 17(5), pp. 517-528.
Mockler, N. (2011). ‘Becoming and ‘being’ a teacher: Understanding teacher professional identity’, in N.Mockler and J. Sachs (Eds). Rethinking Educational Practice Through Reflexive Inquiry: Essays in Honour of Susan Groundwater Smith. Dordrecht: Springer.
Elliott, G. & Mockler, N. (2011). ‘Practitioner inquiry for whole-school change: Possibilities and pitfalls’. In R.Balogh (Ed.), It is Difficult to Work Without It: Action Research at Work in Countering Hegemonic Education Policies (Collaborative Action Research Bulletin). Nottingham: CARN/The University of Nottingham.
Mockler, N. & Groundwater-Smith, S. (2011). ‘Weaving the web of professional practice: The Coalition of Knowledge-Building Schools’, in R. Lingard, P. Thomson and T. Wright (Eds.), Changing Schools: Alternative Ways to Make a World of Difference. Abingdon: Routledge.
Mockler, N. and Sachs, J. (2011). ‘Rethinking educational practice through reflexive inquiry: An introduction’, in N.Mockler and J. Sachs (Eds). Rethinking Educational Practice Through Reflexive Inquiry: Essays in Honour of Susan Groundwater Smith. Dordrecht: Springer.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2010). ‘Professional learning side by side’, in A. Campbell and S. Groundwater-Smith (Eds.), Connecting Inquiry and Professional Learning in Education: Joining the Dots. Abingdon: Routledge.
Mitchell, J., Hunter, J. & Mockler, N. (2010) Connecting classrooms in rural communities through interactive whiteboards. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26 (4), pp.464-476.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2008). ‘Ethics in practitioner research: An issue of quality’, in J. Furlong & A. Oancea (Eds.), Assessing Quality in Applied and Practice-Based Research in Education. Abingdon: Routledge.
Mockler, N. (2007). ‘Ethics in practitioner research: Dilemmas from the field’, in A. Campbell & S. Groundwater-Smith (Eds.) An Ethical Approach to Practitioner Research. Abingdon: Routledge.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2007) Ethics in practitioner research: An issue of quality. Research Papers in Education, 22 (9) pp.199-211.
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2006) Research that counts: Practitioner research and the academy. Review of Australian Research in Education, Volume 6, November 2006.
Mockler, N. (2005) Transforming teachers: New professional learning and transformative teacher professionalism. Journal of Inservice Education, 31(4).
Mockler, N. (2002) ‘Making teacher learning count’ in Kroath, F. & Trafford, V. A Conference Tells its Story. Chelmsford: Early Brave Publications
Groundwater-Smith, S. & Mockler, N. (2002) The knowledge-building school: From the inside out, from the outside in. Change: Transformations in Education, 5(2) pp. 15-24.