Media & Opinion Pieces
This page includes links to pieces I have authored for mainstream and professional media, and to articles that have referenced my work.
Quality of Teaching is not about Teacher Quality (AEU Vic News 2022)
Teachers the fall guys for a failing system (SMH & Age, 2022, with Laureate Prof. Jenny Gore)
Teachers Don't Deserve Morrison's Guilt Trip (Sydney Morning Herald/The Age, 2020)
The Trouble with NAPLAN (Professional Voice Magazine, 2019)
It's Time to be Honest with Parents about NAPLAN (EduResearch Matters, 2018)
Teachers and Professional Judgement (EduResearch Matters, 2017)
Explainer: What Makes a Good Teacher? (Fairfax Media, 2017)
What's a Good Education System Worth? (EduResearch Matters, June 2016)
Three Issues with the Minister's Intervention (EduResearch Matters, August 2015)
More measuring, Few Solutions (EduResearch Matters, January 2015)
Manufactured Panic Around Teacher Quality Obscures the Bigger Issue (EduResearch Matters, 2014)
Building a Profession (The Conversation, 2012)
The Smell of NAPLAN in the Morning (Online Opinion, 2011)
Superman Brings More Inconvenient Truths (Online Opinion, 2011)
My Work in the Media
Why Parents are Ready for Teachers to Strike (SMH, 2022)
Pay teachers more, but improving education is not all about extra money (SMH, 2022)
Teacher Quality Discourse Needs Discussion (Australian Teacher Magazine, 2019)