Current Research Projects

  • This project, funded by the University of Sydney Research Accelerator (SOAR) Fellowships program (2018-2019), uses innovative research methods (including corpus-assisted discourse analysis) to map print media representations of education in Anglophone countries since 1980. This research is the focus of a recent research monograph, published by Bloomsbury in 2022, and a number of upcoming research papers.

  • This project, undertaken with Professor Greg Thompson (QUT), Dr Anna Hogan (UQ), Dr Meghan Stacey (UNSW) nad in partnership with the Queensland Teachers' Union, focuses on the intensification of teachers' work. The project is funded by the Australian Reseach Council and will run until 2024.

  • The first phase of this projecy was funded by the University of Sydney Research Accelerator (SOAR) Fellowships program (2018-2019), and conducted with Dr Meghan Stacey of UNSW. The project focuses on Australian teachers’ use of educational research, data generated both within and beyond their schools, and the enactment of authentic evidence-informed practice. It also involves collaboration with scholars from the Teachers and Teaching Research Centre at the Institue of Education, University College London. Phase II of the project is focused upon teacher professional learning for evidence-informed practice, and is currently underway.